Thursday, April 24, 2008

Drift 3 Strategies

1. I plan to explore two areas, an area where a small creek gathers into a pond, and the area around and on-top of a freeway overpass. I think that these two areas will provide nice contrast in sound, and hopefully make for interesting and useful imagery too. The pond is at the end of Brookhill Drive, and the freeway overpass is right where Moorland Road goes over Capitol Drive.

2. I plan on only capturing abstract imagery. I want to gather images and video that work as shapes and color, and not necessarily as a "picture of something". With this in mind, I plan to explore close-ups and focusing, as well as night photography and blurred video.

3. Learning from my sound-walk, I plan on walking towards the loudest spots I can find, following the sounds. Hopefully this will allow me to capture more useful material than last time.

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